Sunday, April 5, 2009

Child Maltreatment and Abusebuse

Child abuse or neglect, or the newer term “child maltreatment,” encompasses abusive as well as neglect issues.
Child maltreatment is legally defined as the physical or mental injury, sexual abuse or exploitation, negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child under the age of 18, by a person responsible for the child's welfare and under circumstances which indicate that child's health or welfare is harmed or threatened thereby. Child maltreatment is divided into physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, which is a big category, and then emotional abuse.
Every year there are about 2,000 fatalities from child abuse. There are about 20,000 children who are killed or permanently disabled from child abuse. There are another 141,000 who are seriously injured, many of whom have to be hospitalized. Overall, there are roughly 1 million substantiated instances. It involves about 2.9 million reports on 1.9 million children with about 1 million cases are substantiated as maltreatment. 1.9 million children are reported as victims with 1.6 million investigations.

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